Wedge-shaped lock ø32 mm and ø43 mm for wedge-shaped anchor AKR16

Замок клинораспорный ø32 мм и ø43 мм для клинораспорного анкера АКР16
Application area

The wedge-shaped lock is part of the wedge-shaped anchor support and serves for mechanical locking of the anchor in the hole.


  • conical nut;
  • socket with cheeks and spring;
  • bonding tube;
  • passport.


The name of the indicator


d=32 mm d=43 mm
Bearing capacity, kN, not less 65
Rod diameter, mm 16
Number of cheeks in the lock, pcs 3
Lock height, mm 95 110
Lock diameter, mm 30 40
Diameter of the hole, mm 30-35 40-45

Meets the requirements of TU 3142-008-16375400-2014 and GOST 31559-2012

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