New paint chamber for applying polymer coating
The company OKS is constantly improving its production in order to offer customers the highest quality products in a timely manner.
We have modernized the workshop for painting manufactured products by installing a new painting chamber and equipment for applying and polymerizing powder polymer coating.
Polymer powder paint is applied by electrostatic or tribostatic spraying on a metal surface with a layer of the required thickness. Then, in the polymerization furnace, the powder paint is melted and cured on the product, the process takes only 10-15 minutes. The output is a product with a durable anti-corrosion coating with high adhesion up to "0" points according to GOST 31149 "Interstate standard. Paint and varnish materials. Determination of adhesion by the lattice incision method", capable of withstanding the effects of highly aggressive media on the joint venture. 28.13330.2017 "Protection of building structures from corrosion", as well as withstand various mechanical and climatic influences – impacts, increased friction, exposure to sunlight, precipitation, etc.
That is why polymer powder coating is considered one of the best ways to apply paint to metal products, since painting products, for example, with liquid paint involves applying several layers – primer, enamel, varnish to ensure sufficient coating strength, which in turn affects the cost of the product and the performance of painting.
Now we can proudly state that all our products requiring protective paint coating will be painted with this modern method, which will make our products even more high-quality, competitive and resistant to various operating conditions, including under the influence of highly aggressive environments.