Competition "The best New Year's decoration of an industrial enterprise"
OKS Company received awards from the Head of the city of Kemerovo I.V. Seredyuk for participation in the already traditional city competition for the "Best New Year's decoration of industrial enterprises."
Our company took:
1 PLACE in the nomination "The most snowy New Year's decoration".
2 PLACE in the nomination "Best New Year's decoration with the use of New Year's characters and the symbol of the year."
Other winners and participants of the contest were also present at the awards ceremony: AZOT, Kemerovo Mechanical Plant, Stroyservis, Kuzbass Foundry, Kemerovo DSK and Gazprom Transgaz Tomsk.
Thanks to all the employees who took part in the preparation for this competition! Only new victories and an even more impressive New Year's decoration are ahead!