Metal flat or spherical support washer made of sheet metal with a thickness of 2 mm or more

Шайба опорная металлическая плоская или сферическая из листового проката толщиной от 2 мм
Application area

A flat or spherical metal support washer made of rolled metal is used as a support and damping element of the anchor support.

The name of the indicator Meaning
Tensile strength of the material Not less than the strength of the anchor rod material
Hole diameter 1.2-1.4 diameter of the anchor rod – for anchor fasteners with ampoule and lock fastening No more than 1.15 diameter of the anchor rod – for anchor support with friction fastening
Minimum size of washers* At least two sizes of welded grid or metal mesh cells
Crushing force 0.7-0.8 tensile strength of the anchor rod

* - determined by the customer

Meets the requirements of TU 3142-002-16375400-2015 and GOST 31559-2012

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